
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Time to go: An Adams Street resident said she and her boyfriend went to Weirton for a night out when they started arguing and on the way home he “raced across the Veterans Bridge and down state Route 7,” Wednesday. She said she was frightened, but they decided to “talk out their problems” and went to the marina but claimed her boyfriend became upset again and held her in the vehicle by her throat. She said they eventually left the area, speeding along Labelle Avenue and hitting the speed bump before dropping her off on South Street.

Clothes horse: A caller reported a man in the 100 block of North Fifth Street “possibly taking his clothes off in public,” Wednesday. Police located a man wearing only shorts and asked him to put a shirt on, which he agreed to do.

Creepy: A woman complained that a man was harassing her, Wednesday. She said an older man in a red Honda had followed her from the North End to the downtown Speedway, and when she pointed out the vehicle police noted there was an older male in the driver’s seat. They said he never got out of the Honda and when the woman left on foot, he pulled out. Police pulled him over in the 700 block of North Fourth Street to talk and said “the matter was resolved.”

Suspicious behavior: A Belleview Boulevard resident reported a man who seemed to be living in a Chevy Malibu that was parked in front of his residence, making him nervous about leaving his home and concerned for his girlfriend walking alone, Thursday. The Malibu owner denied living in his car and told police he was leaving for work. Police said there was no indication he was in his vehicle but told him he needed to “find another place to stay if he were … due to numerous related reports involving him.” The caller told police the man is “constantly sitting inside of his vehicle watching his daily routine and claimed he’d seen the man “changing his clothes inside of his vehicle on several occasions.” He said he’s never seen the man go into any nearby residences after he parks.

Confrontation: A couple in the 500 block of Union Avenue said their argument turned into a physical confrontation, Wednesday. Both agreed the female had grabbed the male by the back of his shirt and pulled, but he said she did it when he yelled to her kids “good luck paying the rent” as he was leaving. The female claimed she wanted to keep him from going to her kids’ bedroom and disturbing them. The male had a red mark and light bruising around the bottom of his neck, but he said he didn’t want to pursue charges. The female was advised he’d established residency, and she would have to evict him.

Causing problems: A woman was yelling at people dropping off clothing donations at a location in the 200 block of North Fourth Street, Wednesday. She was loitering and “the manager just wanted her to leave the drop off area,” police said. Police relayed the message and asked her to stop yelling at people.

Stolen: A woman said she left her Kindle Fire tablet on the counter of a city business while she was making copies, Wednesday. When she realized what she’d done she contacted the store but was told “the item was picked up by someone claiming it was their property.”

Unhappy: An Eve Drive resident said a man was standing in the street “yelling and screaming,” Monday. Police said they searched for the cause of the disturbance and located a man walking on Union Avenue, but he wasn’t causing any problems.

Angry: A Sunset Boulevard resident said he got into an argument with a female and she told him she was going to damage his vehicle, Monday.

Ongoing issues: Maryland Avenue residents were at odds again, Monday. A female said a male neighbor “will not let her kids play in the street by his house without harassing them.” He said he’s asked them several times to move away from his vehicle. Police told them to keep their distance from each other.

Cold shoulder: A New Jersey man told police he’d been forced to turn over a company vehicle and the driver who took it wouldn’t let him get his things out of it first, Tuesday. In the days since he said he’d tried to make arrangements with the owner of the company to get his things but neither the owner or anyone else had contacted him. He said his attorney advised him to file a theft report and told police clothes, boots, shoes, tools, food and other items valued at more than $1,000 were taken.

Mission impossible: A woman living with her boyfriend at the City Rescue Mission said they got into an argument that turned physical, Wednesday. She told police she didn’t want to pursue charges, but she did want him to leave for the night. They tracked the male down to let him know he needed to stay away, and the man told them the altercation “had been mutual” but he didn’t want to pursue charges, either.

Bloody finger: A city resident said she came home from work to find her daughters arguing and when she tried to enter their room to calm them down one of them slammed the door, Wednesday. Police said the mother’s finger got caught in the door, “severing the tip and whole nail off” and was “bleeding profusely.”

Surprise: A man discovered his prescription Adderall had been stolen from his unlocked car while it was parked in a lot in the 400 block of South Sixth Street, Tuesday.

No callback: Police were told a tractor-trailer had knocked down and damaged several traffic control signs, Tuesday. City cameras captured images of the truck headed north on Franklin Avenue making a right turn and, in the process, ran over the signs. So far, the trucking company hasn’t called back.

Charged: Ryan Gooch, 33, no fixed address, warrant for misdemeanor theft, Monday. Gooch allegedly reached behind the counter of a downtown gas station earlier this week and grabbed two packs of cigarettes and left without paying for them.

Served: Meghan Gilbert, 32, Aetna Street, Mingo Junction, warrant for failure to appear, Tuesday; Javon W. Jewett, 51, 1222 N. Fifth St., warrant for possession of drugs, Tuesday.

Booked: Casey J. Caulfield, 36, 3825 Bristol Ave., Apt. 1, Steubenville, warrant for felony theft, Wednesday.

Summoned: James Acord, 55, 413 Mazella Lane, Wellsburg, disorderly while intoxicated, Wednesday.

Code issues: Notices of violation were sent to owners/occupants of a property at 439 Lawson Ave. and 1425 Pennsylvania Avenue, both for high grass/weeds; 1622 State Street, household furniture and indoor items store on porch and in driveway; 1425 Pennsylvania Avenue,

Cited: Mya N. Williams, 23, 205 S. Fourth St., Apt. 2, Steubenville, failure to control Wednesday after the car she was driving struck a pole in the 100 block of S. 5th Street.

Cited: Alyson Haber, 20, Goshen, Ky., failure to yield after he allegedly made a left turn on University Boulevard at Franciscan Square into the path of an oncoming car; Tina M. Crawford, 60, 310 County Road, Follansbee, speeding; Jonathan Byler, 27, Salineville, driving under suspension and red light violation; Robert Black, 38, 177 Morningside Drive, Wintersville, assured clear distance ahead after a two-vehicle collision Monday at the red light on Cunningham Lane.


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