
Police reports

Wintersville Police

Cited for speeding: Aurang Zeb, 49, Brooklyn; Owen Provost, 19, 193 Highland Park, Bloomingdale; Anthony Johns, 21, Aliquippa, Pa.; David N. Safir, 29, 38025 Gundy Ridge Road, Scio; Michael J. Barish, 65, Avella, Pa.; Austin A. Shuble, 28, 9 Hazelwood Drive, Steubenville; Mary E. Ludt, 52, 200 Second St., Bloomingdale; Franklin J. Mazur, 68, 721 county Road 75, Amsterdam; Linda M. Stanz, 75, 8137 state Route 43, East Springfield; Elliana T. Rice, no age given, 1811 Hamilton Place, Steubenville; and JoAnn Walters, 74, 802 Longford Drive.

Cited: Mark A. Miller, 52, 109 West Main St., Jewett, red light violation; and Anthony W. Barber, 34, 115 Rex Ave., stop sign violation.

Steubenville Police

Keep away: A woman told police her boyfriend had her car keys and wouldn’t give them back, Friday. Police said the boyfriend was sitting on the steps outside Club 106 and said he told them he “wasn’t giving them back until she drove him to Follansbee,” but they convinced him to give them the keys. The caller said she’d left him at Club 106 and told police she didn’t want him returning to her home. When police told him she wouldn’t be taking him to Follansbee they said he “became agitated” and “began yelling and cursing” about the situation. Police reported he was intoxicated and slurring his speech, was unsteady on his feet and his eyes appeared glassy and stepped in front of an officer trying to get back in his cruiser. When the officer advised him “to return to the club and stop causing a disturbance,” police alleged “he cursed and stated he wasn’t going anywhere until (police) took him to Follansbee.” After police told him they weren’t taking him anywhere where he could cause another disturbance, they claimed he “continued to curse and walked into the street” so they charged Robert Boyd, 51, 256 B Main St., Follansbee, with disorderly while intoxicated. He was booked him into the county jail on a three-hour intoxication hold, they said.

Delivery scare: A delivery driver told police she was delivering a food order in the 400 block of Scenic Drive when a man with a blue bandana covering his face jumped out of his car and began stabbing her vehicle’s tire, Friday. She said she was driving on Sunset Boulevard near John Scott highway when she noticed the vehicle following her and said when she jumped in her car to leave he followed her to Lovers Lane, where she lost him. She managed to drive the car to a downtown tire shop and told police the man was driving a Chevy.

Caught napping: A driver was charged with operating a vehicle under the influence after a caller reported seeing a man passed out behind the wheel of a car stopped in the middle of John Scott Highway, Saturday. Police said the driver, John S. Nodianos, 23, 3330 Portland Blvd., also was cited for an expired registration. Police said they knocked on both front windows and tried rocking the car back-and-forth to wake him without success and said after noticing the car was still in drive with his foot on the brake, they broke the rear window on the driver’s side and reached in and put the car in park. They said Nodianos told them he hadn’t had more than 1.5 beers, but they allegedly found an open container in the center console and another open container sitting on the front passenger seat.

Quick trip: A New Cumberland resident said he “let a friend of his” in the 800 block of North Sixth Street take his 2003 Chevy Tracker earlier in the week but he hadn’t returned it, Saturday. He said he doesn’t know his friend’s name but told police he’s let him use it in the past. He doesn’t know his license plate number, either.

Multiple charges: A traffic stop led to a city resident being taken into custody on a federal parole violation and three other charges, Friday. Dean M. Timblin, 29, 314 Terrace Ave., was booked into the county jail on charges of possessing drugs, tampering with evidence and possession of drug paraphernalia, in addition to the federal parole violation. Police said after confirming the warrant they told Timblin to exit the vehicle but instead he allegedly began “kicking his feet throughout the passenger side front floorboard and even removed his shoes.” Police allegedly found two bags of a substance believed to be crystal meth on the floorboard where Timblin had been sitting and reported “the entire interior of the passenger side front door panel” was filled with what appeared to be the same substance and the floorboard was covered with it as well. A scale with residue also was located, police said.

Phone tagged: A Clinton Street resident told police her ex-boyfriend left her home with a phone and $600 that belonged to her so she followed him to the marina to get them back, Saturday. Police said Jevante Childs, 32, 407 Clinton Ave., was charged with contempt of court after he told them she’d been in his car and left the phone behind when she got out. He handed the phone over, but police took him into custody anyway because he’d been told by the court to stay away from her.

Removed: Police responding to a report of an injured dog on a city street said when they located the owner they noticed the property was “littered with debris,” Friday. They said the owner mentioned six juveniles live at the residence and after checking on them, the children were removed from the residence.

Theft: Someone stole a pencil box containing $150 from a purse belonging to a Saturday Market vendor, Saturday. She said she walked away from her table for a moment and when she returned the money was gone.

Disturbing: A caller reported a man walking in the vicinity of Franklin Avenue and Sixth Street was causing a disturbance, Saturday. Police found a man matching the description the caller gave “laying on the bus stop bench.” He told police he was okay and no assistance was needed.

Porch pirates: A woman in the 400 block of South Sixth Street said a package was stolen from her porch, Friday. She said she received proof of delivery but when she checked it was already gone.

Lawn shopping: A resident in the 100 block of Opal Boulevard said someone stole a wicker couch and a fire pit from behind her residence, Friday.


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