
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Cited: Police reported seeing a man staggering through Pico Park after closing hours, Monday. They reported seeing two cases of beer left behind where he’deen standing and when they stopped him he had “difficulty balancing while standing and nearly fell over in attempts to walk.” They allege they could smell alcohol on him “and was slow to respond and slow to speak.” Police said Richard P. German, 28, 415 Union Ave., Steubenville, was cited for intoxication and was reminded all city parks close at dark.

Charged: Employees at Wal-Mart said they detained a woman who bagged merchandise and tried to leave the store without paying for it, Monday. Police reported they could hear the woman screaming as they approached the security office and said employees told them she’d been “screaming and threatening them while sitting in the security office (and) taking pictures of them while she was speaking on her cell phone.” Police said they viewed security footage before charging Maybelle R. Kernen, 34, 309 Summit Ave, Steubenville with misdemeanor theft.

Dysfunctional: A couple in the 100 block of Aberdeen Road who’d been causing a disturbance told police they were fighting over a cell phone, Monday. The female also claimed her male companion “attempted to run her over with his vehicle in the driveway.” He told police he tried to leave the residence but she’d blocked the driveway with her car. The two of them co-own the property and each wants the other to vacate the property and not return. Police told them both it would have to be settled in court.

Charged: A city resident is facing charges after employees at Wal-Mart reported he tried to leave the store with a cart full of merchandise that hadn’t been paid for, Monday. Employees said they followed him to his car to try and stop him but report he “began to throw items in the rear of his vehicle and fled” but they managed to get a picture of him and his license plate that police used to locate him. Police said they charged Clifford B. Keiski, 54, 476 Dresden Ave., Steubenville, with misdemeanor theft and reported merchandise valued at $190 was allegedly found “thrown on the floor of (his) vehicle” and returned to the store

Theft: Someone climbed the side roof at Seven Ranges at the Fort Steuben Mall and removed about 8 feet of copper wire from an air conditioning unit, rendering it inoperable, Monday.

Vandlism: Police were told someone broke a window at the Democrat party headquarters in the 100 block of North Fourth Street, Monday. Police said the lower pane of the door was cracked.

Porch pirate: A caller reported seeing a man walk onto his neighbor’s porch in the 1600 block of Euclid Avenue and take a box, Monday. The neighbor said the box that was missing contained a white blanket he wanted back.

Gun stolen: A resident in the 1300 block of Euclid Avenue told police his black Glock is missing, Monday. He said the thief gained access to his home by removing a window air conditioner.

Walk on: An Oregon Avenue resident requested extra patrols after watching a man in a silver SUV drive up to his garage area, Monday. He said he was looking out an upstairs window when the man got out of the vehicle and tried to open the door to gain entry to his house.

Counter check: A Lovers Lane resident couldn’t find his phone and thought he left it at a business in the 100 block of South Seventh Street, Monday. He told police he thinks he left it on the counter in the store but staff members told him and police they didn’t see it. Police told the caller managers could check the surveillance footage in the morning. They said he claimed the “staff member has history with him and (is) being spiteful.”

Code issue: A notice of violation was sent to the owner/occupant of a property at 637 Spring Ave, litter and junk piled in front of property.


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