
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Loud and proud: A caller reported a domestic disturbance in the 400 block of South Sixth Street, Monday. A woman told police she and her husband had been arguing and it “became loud.” She said she also threw an ashtray against the wall before her husband left the property. Police told her they needed to avoid causing problems for other residents.

Stuffed: Employees at Wal-Mart claim a man allegedly stuffed toys and stuffed animals into his pockets before trying to leave the store without paying, Monday. Police said they charged Jonathan M. Pullie, 49, 707 Market St., Apt. 308, Steubenville, with petit theft after observing his “abnormally bulging coat pockets and what appeared to be a toy or stuffed animal in one.” Employees said they’d followed Pullie through the store and witnessed him pulling items out of their packaging and concealing them in his pockets, and after taking Pullie into custody police reported finding items in his pockets. The store is seeking restitution since the items “were damaged as a result of (being) ripped out of their packaging and cannot be resold,” police noted.

Oddity: Someone reported seeing a man in the area of North Fourth Street and Franklin Avenue “acting erratic and cussing at passing motorists,” Tuesday. Police checked the area and said there was no sign of the man.

Concerned: A city resident told police someone printed out three checks from his business account since mid-November without his authorization, Monday. He said no money is missing from his account.

Wouldn’t go: A woman in the 400 block of South Sixth Street said a male was in the residence who is not supposed to be there and was refusing to leave, Monday. She said she exited the residence herself because she is in fear of him. Police found him in the basement and said they were unable to locate a copy of a protection order prohibiting him from contacting her, though he was wanted in Columbiana County for failure to appear.

Money talks: A Sherman Avenue resident said she’s being harassed by another woman, Monday. She said the dispute is over $60 and asked police to tell the other woman to leave her alone. Police said they spoke with the other woman, who advised there would be no further problems.

Booked: Jeriel Harrison 39, no fixed address, warrant, Monday.


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