
Police reports

Steubenville Police

Dumb and dumber: A caller reported a resident in the 1200 block of Oak Grove Avenue was keeping an alligator in a 100-gallon glass aquarium, Monday. The residents said they got it from a friend “and did not know it was illegal to have (alligators) in the state of Ohio.” Police said the Jefferson County Humane Society was notified and transported it to the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

No shame: A woman charged with trying to leave Wal-Mart with hundreds of dollars in merchandise she didn’t pay for allegedly said “she was hungry, she had a drug addiction and that employees should have stopped her when they first observed her stealing,” Monday. Police reported Leanore A. Weigner, 52, no fixed address, tried to lay on the ground under a parked vehicle to avoid capture. Weigner allegedly loaded a shopping cart with food, alcohol and other items and tried to walk out the door, flashing an old receipt “in an attempt to trick the employee who stands at the exit,” police reported. Employees said there were 38 items valued at just over $692 in the cart, police said. Weigner was booked into the Jefferson County jail on charges of petit theft and possession of drug paraphernalia, a crack pipe and was served with a warrant for probation violation.

Habitual theft: Lowe’s employees told police they believe one individual is responsible for three different thefts that netted the perpetrator nearly $4,500 in stolen merchandise, Monday. They told police $1,950 in merchandise was stolen Nov. 14, $1,214 on Nov. 30 and another $1,320 on Dec. 31.

Charged: Pachian Watkins, 28, Martins Ferry, petit theft, Monday. Employees at Kroger said two people fled the store on foot with merchandise they hadn’t paid for. Police located them on Calvin Jones Way near the fieldhouse and allege Watkins admitted none of the items in a blue gift bag she was carrying had been purchased.

Funny money: Kroger employees told police a customer tried to pay for groceries with a counterfeit $100 bill, Monday. Police spoke with the customer, who told them he found the bill in a parking lot in the 700 block of North Seventh Street.

Hit-skip: A resident in the 1400 block of Parkview Circle discovered his vehicle had been damaged a week ago while it was parked in front of his residence, Monday. Police said there was a large scrape to the passenger side door.

Jefferson County Sheriff

Jail fight: Correctional officers reported an inmate was assaulted and moved to a new cell where he was assaulted a second time, Monday. The inmate admitted he was in his bed when he was hit in the face but refused to pursue charges. Deputies said his cheek appeared to have some redness.


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