
Recognition for science fair project

For all seventh-graders at Bishop John King Mussio Junior High, it’s a requirement to participate in the school science fair every March. Starting in September, students pick a science experiment they’d like to conduct, selecting a project that they’re interested in or want to learn more about. For Lauren Hall, that topic was one near and dear to her — dyslexia. Hall was diagnosed with dyslexia when she was in the second grade, and it has made learning somewhat of a challenge at times. Dyslexia is a learning disability which can cause people to have problems when reading or taking tests. Hall did all her research in science class and asked the teachers in the school to read a paper she had printed with words on it the way she sees them. She timed the teachers to see how far they could read. Through research and using the scientific method, Hall scored a superior rating in the school science fair and won best in show in the school science fair. Hall advanced to the district science fair in Belmont County where she scored superior, earning the Belmont College Behavior Award. She advanced to the Ohio State Science Fair, receiving a superior rating at the state science fair in April, a virtual event this year. Lauren was invited along with her mother to attend the awards ceremony on May 13 along with the other state science fair winners.

— Contributed


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