
Altruistic projects discussed at Alpha Tau

NEW CUMBERLAND — Members of the Alpha Tau Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa International Honorary for Women Educators gathered at the Swaney Memorial Library in New Cumberland for their September meeting. This was the group’s first meeting since spring.

Hostesses for this month’s meeting were Alpha Tau Immediate Past President Amy Hannahs, Secretary Mary Lou Martindill and member Pam Robinson.

The meeting was called to order by President Fran Jones, who opened with announcing the monthly, positive message with the thought of the day.

Martindill then presented to members the minutes from the group’s last meeting, held in May. She also read the minutes of the executive board’s meeting.

Both sets of minutes were approved.

Treasurer Velda Icard provided the financial report.

Committee reports followed.

Chairman Susan Gracie and Rita Schmitt led members in a fraternity education activity.

The group discussed upcoming altruistic projects, which include collecting items for deployed soldiers, contributing gift cards for the scholarship fundraiser and ordering T-shirts with a logo for the ways and means committee.

Jones announced the chapter has received the status of being a “Six Pearl Chapter” from officials at International Headquarters.

Members were encouraged to attend the upcoming Ohio Valley district meeting in Williamstown, W.Va.

The event will be held in October and will include Hannahs, who serves as the district chairperson.

At the conclusion of the meeting, members enjoyed participating in a series of games and activities.

Refreshments were served once the meeting adjourned.

The next meeting of the Alpha Tau Chapter will be Oct. 8.


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