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Extended learning centers coming

DILLONVALE — Elementary schools in the Buckeye Local School District will begin another year of extended learning centers this fall. Buckeye West in Adena, Buckeye North in Brilliant and Buckeye South in Tiltonsville, will operate programs beginning Oct. 14. The sessions for those in kindergarten through sixth grade, will take place from 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and after school from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Susan Bachmann, district program manager, expects approximately 150 students to participate. She said the centers will offer a variety of educational content, among other offerings.

“They will get a full meal in the evening and the program includes homework help, computers, reading and math intervention, arts and crafts and physical activity,” she stated. “They are extending learning from the regular school day but also provide social-emotional support for the students.” Officials will collect data to improve attendance and test scores, she noted.

“It seems to benefit them,” Bachmann added. “There are incentives for attendance and behavior, such as backpacks and T-shirts.”

This is the second of a five-year funding program, although Buckeye Local has taken part in previous rounds. The school district received the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Learning Grant earlier this year. North and West elementaries each gained $100,000. South Elementary garnered $185,000.

Bachmann explained the schools receive the same amount for three years, after which the numbers decrease during the fourth and fifth years. Sessions have run through April; however, the district was required to hold 100 hours of extended learning, continuing in June with on-site activities and field trips.

“This past year was the first time we did it for the summer, and we had field trips every week with an animal theme,” she commented. “Next year, there will be a science theme and we will also have at least three family engagement events per school.”

Previous family activities have included pumpkin carving at West, kickball with the Wells Township Police at North, Christmas cards for veterans and senior citizens at South and yoga at all three buildings.

Bachmann said the Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County and Unified Bank may return with literary and financial literacy programs.


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