
Harmony Church to hold Soup and sweets sale

MINGO JUNCTION — Harmony Church of Mingo Junction is preparing for one of its more-popular fundraisers.

Officials will be holding a soup and sweets sale on Oct. 5. The public is invited to place an order.

Located at 2119 Commercial Ave., the church will be selling vegetable soup and bean soup by the quart. Each quart will be $7.

A variety of sweets will be sold, as well.

Those interested in placing an order should do so ahead of time, by calling Jim McClung at (740) 535-0730 or the church at (740) 535-1074.

Orders should be picked up between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., McClung stated.

All of the proceeds raised from the sales of soup and sweets will go toward helping the church, officials said.


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