
Roundtable presentation set

WHEELING — The next meeting of the Ohio Valley Civil War Roundtable will take place at 6:30 p.m. today in the auditorium of the Ohio County Public Library in Wheeling.

Earl Nicodemus, a retired professor at West Liberty University, will deliver a presentation about the 135th Ohio Infantry and the role of Lt. Benjamin Allen Biggs. He is burried at the old West Liberty Cemetery, roundtable officials stated.

Nicodemus served as a professor of industrial technology for 40 years. He is recognized as a West Virginia history hero, is one of the founders of the West Liberty Historical Society and a caretaker of the old cemetery at West Liberty. This will be the first of three fall roundtables in the speaker series.

Pete Chacalos will present a lecture on the Imboden Raid on Oct. 23. All lectures are open to the public. Admission if free to attend.

For information, contact Roger Micker at (304) 312-7559.


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