
Brooke AARP offering seniors much to do

LENDING A HAND — The Brooke County Chapter of AARP has supported various causes, including efforts by the Wellsburg Kiwanis Club, to provide new playground equipment for the city. On hand to present a $307 donation were, from left, front, Helen Moren, Chapter President Susie Mullenbach, Vice President Teresa Taylor, Linda Palmer, Cathy Sykes and Wellsburg Kiwanis Club President Eric Fithyan; and back, Lee Meneely, Larry Stimpson, Sue Stimpson, Georgia Fedak, Elwood Biehl, Treasurer Pat Biehl and Richard Nester. -- Warren Scott

WELLSBURG — Members of a Brooke County organization say area seniors who are looking for something to do or would like a way in which to meet new people do not need to look any further. Those individuals can be found right in their own group.

Members of the Brooke County Chapter of AARP enjoy those opportunities to gather for monthly luncheons and aid in various local causes.

President Susie Mullenbach and Vice President Teresa Taylor explained in recent months, the group has provided funds or materials for the Brooke County Animal Shelter, Brooke High School’s Bruins Helping Bruins food pantry and clothes closet, the Brooke County Public Library and other nonprofit organizations.

These donations come through drawings which are held during each meeting and a special drawing for assorted gift baskets held every summer.

In addition, the chapter awards a scholarship each year to a graduating Brooke High School senior.

Mullenbach explained the chapter is far from being a moneymaking venture. It depletes all of its funds by the end of the year, beginning again the next year.

The annual membership fee for AARP, a national organization, is $12. There is no cost for one’s spouse. The membership includes a subscription to its monthly magazine, which features a variety of informational articles, including interviews with senior celebrities.

Members of the Brooke County chapter pay $5 per year for their local membership and $12 for the monthly luncheon meetings, Taylor said, noting members are permitted to take their leftover luncheon meals home in a to-go box.

Mullenbach noted chapter meetings have included a variety of guest speakers and performers.

Visitors have included the Brooke County Sheriff Department’s K-9 unit, Marvin Whiteman, a vocalist and keyboardist and Brooke Hills Playhouse actors presenting short, dramatic sketches.

Guests have spoken about important issues pertaining to those who are 50 years of age and older, including scams which target senior citizens, Taylor stated.

Meetings have included a Game Day, with a short version of bingo. Several prizes were awarded.

Taylor said the group offers an opportunity for seniors to form new friendships.

“We try to stay in touch with each other,” she commented. “We let each other know if someone is in need of prayer or support if they want us to.”

Mullenbach noted members have taken trips together outside of the group, as well.

“We’re not a boring group,” added Treasurer Pat Biehl.

The chapter’s meetings are held at noon the third Thursday of each month, with the exception of January and February. Members who would like to have lunch are asked to make a reservation by the second Wednesday of the month, by calling (304) 737-1779.


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