
Club to hold cancer awareness brunch

RECOGNIZING BREAST CANCER — The Ohio Valley District of the National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs are sponsoring a breast cancer awareness brunch Oct. 12 at Mount Carmel Community Baptist Church. Those assisting in the planning of the event include, from left, Shirley Snyder, district vice president and event chair; Patricia Bailey, district president; and Carol Ann Simmons, district and state board member and member of the La’Femme Club. Others involved include Rose Marie Slaughter, president of the Sojourner Truth Club, and Carrie Campbell, president of the La’Femme Club. -- Contributed

STEUBENVILLE — In observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Ohio Valley District of the National Association of Colored Women’s Club will hold a breast cancer awareness brunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 12 at Mount Carmel Community Baptist Church, located at 708 N. Fifth St.

The keynote speaker for the event entitled Empowered Women — Taking Care of Their Health, will be Dr. Margaret Rosenzweig, service professor of nursing, professor of medicine and vice chair of research at the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Acute and Tertiary Care.

“This is your opportunity to educate, engage and empower yourself to take charge of your health by receiving information on breast cancer practices and research and be able to discuss your concerns with health professionals in a friendly environment,” club members stated.

The brunch will feature informational booths and a silent auction. Those in attendance will include CHANGE Inc. of Weirton, Diversity Heath Initiatives of Steubenville, Jefferson County General Health District, Ohio Valley Heath Clinic and Trinity Health System. Vendors will be available to discuss services offered and provide information.

Those attending the event will be able to sign up for free mammogram screenings sponsored by DHI. The van will be available for screening Oct. 26, members noted.

A donation of $20 will be the cost of admission.

For information or to make the donation for the event, text (773) 490-8565 or call (740) 275-4729 or (740) 219-1164.

Tickets can be purchased at the door or from any local club member.


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