
Fidelis Gamma Chapter focusing on altruism

WEIRTON — Members of the West Virginia Fidelis Gamma Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa’s International Honorary Women Educators Organization, met Oct. 3 at Eat ‘n Park in Weirton.

The 14 members and three returning guests in attendance were welcomed by President Susan Cullinan, who began the meeting by leading in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

In the absence of Chaplain Elaine McClung, Treasurer Carolyn Allison read “A Prayer for America,” as the thought of the day.

Recording Secretary Margo Polk read the September minutes, as recorded by Ruth Fuller.

Allison presented members with the chapter’s financial report. She reminded members she would be collecting their dues during the November meeting, with all dues having to be paid by Dec. 10.

Corresponding Secretary Eileen Snyder announced she has received no correspondence.

In the absence of Janet Benzo, fraternity education chairman, Cullinan shared information regarding the organization’s origins and founders, as well as its vision, mission and purpose.

An altruistic form was passed around for members to record their volunteer hours, monetary gifts and non-monetary donations.

Polk, serving as altruistic chairman, gave a detailed report of the donations which have been given in the name of Alpha Delta Kappa since March 1. The reporting period ends Feb. 28, Polk noted.

Ruth Fuller, serving in the capacity of her co-courtesy chairman role, reported on the concerns of members.

Allison provided a blessing prior to members enjoying the afternoon’s luncheon and social time period.

Cullinan reported on unfinished business, which included reminding those in attendance of the Ohio Valley District’s upcoming Fall Founder’s Day luncheon, scheduled for Oct. 26 in Williamstown, W,Va.

Regarding new business, Allison presented a motion that the chapter promote additional forms of altruism. She presented before those in attendance a motion which included supplying the Weirton Medical Center’s pediatric wing with coloring supplies for the children who are admitted to the hospital. With the acceptance of the motion, members were encouraged to bring those supplies to the next meeting.

Eileen Snyder was recognized for having an October birthday. Hostesses for the meeting were Liz Pugh and McClung. Hostesses for the November meeting will be Cullinan and Crystal Baranowski.

The meeting adjourned with the singing of the “Lamp of Alpha Delta Kappa.”


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