
JVS announces homecoming court

Jefferson County Joint Vocational School will hold its 2024 homecoming dance from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday in the school commons. The theme will be “JVS Wonderland.” This year’s homecoming king and queen will be selected by their choosing the odd-colored rose during an assembly scheduled to take place today at the school. Candidates for queen include, from front, left, Sierra Cominsky, Buckeye Local High School; Cambrie Wilson, Indian Creek High School; Jasmine Wooden, Steubenville High School; Gracie Allietta, Steubenville Catholic Central High School; Kaila Walker, Harrison Central High School; Katelyn Cain, Edison High School; and Ava Watkins, Toronto High School. Candidates for king include, back, Austin Vergona, Indian Creek; Brayden Hartsouk, Steubenville High; James Wooden, Catholic Central; Landen Stull, Harrison Central; Adam Dinger, Edison; Zane Carlson, Toronto; and Treyven Rice, Buckeye Local.

— Contributed


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