
Sycamore after-school program returns

STEUBENVILLE — The Indian Creek Middle School Sycamore Stars After-School Program is making its return Oct. 14. And those at the Sycamore Youth Center couldn’t be happier.

Bobbyjon Bauman, director of Sycamore Stars and the Sycamore center, explained the program “is back and better than ever.”

Students in fifth through eighth grades can take part in the program which is offered from 2:15 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday. An array of activities have been designed to inspire, educate and entertain the area’s youth.

Why Sycamore Stars?

Bauman stated officials listened to parents’ feedback and decided to extend the program’s hours until 6 p.m., which will ensure more families will be able to participate. He noted parents are welcome to pick up their child earlier, if need be.

“Our fall lineup is packed with engaging, hands-on activities that will captivate your child’s imagination, challenge their skills and ignite their passions,” Bauman stated.

Some of the offerings at this year’s program include a cooking class, virtual reality class, art class, music class, theater and drama course, an entrepreneurship class, fitness and teamwork, strategy games, homework help, nutrition and health, a life skills class, STEM class and tutoring in math, reading and writing, among others.

The cooking course allows children to learn essential kitchen skills while exploring new recipes, baking and creating various dishes. The virtual reality class lets children explore immersive virtual worlds. Art classes offer drawing, painting and crafting, allowing children to express themselves in different forms of artistic expression. Music will consist of guitar, piano and orchestra. Whether one is a beginner or an advanced musician, participants will learn to play instruments, read music and perform with confidence.

The theater and drama class involves acting exercises and full performances on the stage, building confidence, creativity and communication skills in children. A class on entrepreneurship will teach children how to turn ideas into action and develop their own business plans.

Indoor and outdoor recreation will be held for the fitness and teamwork class.

Children will keep active and engaged in team-building games and physical challenges. Strategy games include chess and Dungeons and Dragons–mind-challenging games to develop one’s critical thinking, problem-solving and strategic planning in a competitive setting.

Homework help will be offered by staff, providing each child with personalized support to ensure they stay on top of their assignments and succeed academically.

The Ohio State University Extension office will offer a nutrition and health class to teach children the importance of healthy eating and how to make choices that nourish the body and mind.

A class entitled Fun Facts with Mr. Ford allows for lively, interactive sessions filled with surprising facts, trivia and challenges to keep children curious and engaged in learning.

A venture lab in the career adventures class offers exploring various career paths through hands-on projects, role-playing and mentoring from professionals. Tutoring will be available in math reading and writing, offering tailored support in these subjects to help strengthen children’s skills in the classroom. An emotional intelligence class with a licensed counselor helps children to learn how to manage their emotions, build healthy relationships and develop empathy in a supportive environment. This class is led by a licensed professional.

A STEM class brings to life the areas of science, technology, engineering and math through experiments and hands-on projects. And a life skills course offers everything from managing money to problem-solving, equipping children with practical skills they can use in everyday life and into the future.

The programs are free of charge and led by dedicated teachers from Indian Creek Middle School and staff of the Sycamore Youth Center.

“They are passionate about providing a safe, supportive and stimulating environment for your child,” Bauman said of the instructors and staff members. “Plus, every afternoon, your child will enjoy a nutritious light supper or large snack to keep them fueled for fun.”

There are limited positions available in each course, so those interested should sign up as soon as possible to reserve their child’s spot. Signups can be done online at sycamorecenter.com/classes.


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