
Pupils give to overseas military children

REMEMBERING THE MILITARY’S CHILDREN — Third- and fourth-grade pupils who are members of the Community Kids group at Wells Academy filled shoeboxes full of supplies to help those at the Wintersville Methodist Church in its Operation Christmas Child campaign. The boxes were filled with items that included toiletries, school supplies and small toys. Boxes are being sent to children who are stationed overseas with their military families. -- Contributed

STEUBENVILLE — Wells Academy pupils are helping others to have a brighter holiday as children are part in Operation Christmas Child. The school’s Community Kids group is assisting the Wintersville Methodist Church with its campaign to fill shoeboxes with supplies that will be sent to children who are stationed overseas with their military family.

Fourth-grade teacher Sara Carrocci serves as organizer for the group. She stated its members raised funds and collected items for this particular drive.

“The purpose of this group is to do for others,” Carrocci said. “The students did a fundraiser to raise money so that we can do different things for people in need. Some students also gave money to help us buy different things we need.”

Carrocci explained the shoeboxes were filled with items ranging from school supplies and toiletries to small toys for the children.

“The students did them at home and they were donated,” she continued. “Some sent in monetary donations to help with the shipping costs of the boxes.”

The Community Kids have participated in the project in past years and wanted to make a difference again this year, she said.

“The children like doing activities like this because they enjoy giving to others,” Carrocci stated. “So far, they have made sandwiches for the Friendship Room and care packages for women and children at the ALIVE women’s shelter in Steubenville. We plan on doing other holiday projects, as well.”

Carrocci concluded by saying it is her hope to gather Thanksgiving food bags so the children can donate them to the Urban Mission. The bags would include basic items such as boxed stuffing, mashed potatoes and canned vegetables, along with additional holiday staples.


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