
Jefferson County grand jury indicts suspect in parking lot shooting

STEUBENVILLE — A 28-year-old Mingo Junction resident has been indicted on charges of felonious assault, bribery and evidence tampering in connection with a shooting a month ago in a parking lot on Mall Drive.

Collin Scott Lee-West, 755 county Road 19, was named by the grand jury in a three-count indictment charging him with shooting a man in the Harbor Freight parking lot May 10, then trying to bribe a witness and dispose of the gun.

All three charges against Lee-West are felonies.

Indictments also were returned against:

¯ Alyssia Marie Morelli, also known as Alyssia M. Milano, of 199 Main St., Rayland, theft by deception, theft of a credit card and forgery, all felonies. Morelli, 31, allegedly defrauded a business of property valued at more than $15,000, stole a credit card from an elderly man and forged checks.

The offenses occurred between August and December, the indictment alleged.

¯ Jonathan Armitage, 22, 262 Quincy Lane, Tiltonsville, burglary, a felony. The indictment alleges Armitage took jewelry and other items from a residence in Tiltonsville on April 12.

¯ Mylik Todd Young, 25, 1424 West Market St., Steubenville, two counts possession of drugs, both felonies. Young reportedly had cocaine and heroin in his possession Feb. 13, the indictment alleged.

¯ Westley Larry Ron Bowling, 33, 1125 Oregon Ave., Steubenville, felony counts of having weapons under disability and improper handling of a firearm. The indictment alleges Bowling had a gun in his possession and that it was within reach of himself or a passenger on May 12.

¯ Logan James Kmatz, 19, 540 township Road 370, Bergholz, failure to comply, a felony, and misdemeanor counts of operating a vehicle under the influence and driving under suspension, May 3.


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