
Wellsburg Independence Day celebration starts this weekend

SPECIAL HONOR — Members of the Wellsburg 4th of July Committee and Brooke Hills Park board surprised Wellsburg native Bill Bayless Thursday by announcing he has been named grand marshal of the city’s Independence Day Parade in recognition of his long-time support of the park. With Bayless, right, is Cody Rice, chairman of the Wellsburg 4th of July Committee. -- Warren Scott

WELLSBURG — Volunteers in the Wellsburg 4th of July Committee have been working for months to plan various events and activities to celebrate Independence Day, including a concert tonight, but they had one last detail to address on Thursday night.

Members of the group gathered with members of the Brooke Hills Park board to announce Wellsburg native Bill Bayless, a long-time supporter of the park, will serve as grand marshal for the Independence Day Parade on July 4.

Cody Rice, chairman of the 4th of July Committee, said Bayless hasn’t sought attention for himself and many people aren’t aware of his professional success or how much he has helped the park.

“He’s always been a friend of the park,” said its director, Janice McFadden.

She noted Bayless has been a major financial supporter of the Brooke County Veterans Memorial Park, Brooke Hills Playhouse and the park itself, especially the disc golf course, which was named for former Brooke High School football coach Paul “Bud” Billiard and his wife, Carol.

In accepting the honor Thursday, Bayless said he was aware of Billiard’s love for the park and upon learning of the efforts of his former coach and other park board members to improve it, he was happy to help.

“It’s always something been something near and dear to me,” he said.

A 1982 graduate of Brooke High School, where he played on the Bruins football team, Bayless went on to co-found American Campus Communities, an Austin, Texas-based builder of campus facilities, including structures at the University of New York and University of California; and more recently, Maslow’s Campus Communities, which specializes in student housing.

He has been named a national finalist for Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year and the company was named Development Firm of the Year by the National Association of Home Builders.

Bayless said he owes his professional success to “all of the wise counsel” he received from Billiard, his parents, the late William “Bud” and Lucille Bayless; and many others while growing up in Wellsburg.

“So many of my blessings in life have been because I really did listen to all of that advice,” he said.

Chamber member Nanci Walker presented Bayless the parade marshal sign that will be placed on his vehicle in the parade, which will begin at 7 p.m. July 4 on Charles Street.

Bayless said he was pleased to hear he will be at the front of the parade so he “can jump out of the car and watch the rest of the parade.”

“No one does the 4th of July better than Wellsburg,” he said.

For many years, the Wellsburg 4th of July Committee has planned events and activities for several days, and this year is no different.

Following a block party held Thursday by the Wellsburg Urban Redevelopment Authority, the celebration continues today with a free concert featuring Bon Journey, a Bon Jovi and Journey tribute band, at 7 p.m. at Wellsburg’s Central Park at 17th and Charles streets.

Held at the same time and place, the concerts will continue with the high energy rock and roll of The Next on June 29; country singer Nathan King on June 30; the classic rock and roll of 40 Plus on July 1; the country sounds of Cross Creek the Band on July 2; and the rock and rhythm and blues of Refugee on July 3.

Attendees are invited to bring lawn chairs or blankets. Local vendors are being booked for the concerts.

An all-ages fishing tournament will be held from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Sunday. Participants should register at 6:30 a.m. at the 12th Street boat ramp but may fish at various sites around the city.

A corn hole tournament, for youth and adults, will be held at noon Sunday at Central Park, with registration at 11 a.m.

The Wellsburg 5K Run-Walk, scheduled for Saturday, has been postponed, with a new date to be announced.

Plans for Independence Day, July 4, include a flag raising ceremony at 8:50 a.m. at the E.R. Nicholas 1st Ward Park, followed by the Oil Can Derby, a soapbox style race involving many young drivers, on the adjacent Fourth Street.

All of the racers are invited to join marching bands, emergency departments and many others in the parade, which will line up at 5:30 p.m. at the south end of Charles Street.

Also invited to appear are children who have decorated their bicycles and other riding toys in holiday theme for a contest held by the Wellsburg Kiwanis Club before the parade at 6 p.m. on the Wellsburg Town Square near Seventh and Charles streets.

Residents with special needs are advised Charles Street between 15th and 18th streets has been declared a siren-free zone during the procession.

Rice said after the parade, disc jockey G-Con will be on hand at the Betty Carr Recreation Site to help warm visitors up for the fireworks display.

Many gather at the park near 17th and Main streets to view the pyrotechnics from lawn chairs and blankets.

But they also can be viewed from many places in the city, including many homes where residents have planned family reunions around the festivities.

In addition to Wellsburg Council, which has allocated funds for the fireworks, the many events are supported by donations from local businesses and organizations.


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