
Enich setting goals for Hancock’s school year

SETTING GOALS — Hancock County Schools Superintendent Dan Enich is setting his goals for the school year. During a special meeting Monday, Enich presented a draft to members of the school board for their review. -- Craig Howell

NEW CUMBERLAND — With the school year under way, Hancock County Schools Superintendent Dan Enich is setting his goals for the district.

The Hancock County Board of Education convened in a special session Monday at the John D. Rockefeller IV Career Center, with an agenda including the discussion and possible action for the superintendent’s goals.

Enich indicated he is required to present a series of goals for the school district to the county board of education each year. The goals also must be submitted to the state.

“There are four goals,” Enich said. “This is basically a draft.”

A copy of the draft, provided by Enich, includes four main areas of focus, each with a series of measurement tools to determine the progress and success of the goals.

The first goal is to establish a bond levy proposal for safety and infrastructure. The school board already has been able to get a bond levy placed on the county’s election ballot for Nov. 5, to raise $10.6 million over 10 ½ years. The focus would be on security updates and other improvements at the school facilities.

A second goal is to improve safety county wide. In addition to funding improvements through the bond levy, if passed, the goal would include emphasizing relationships with local law enforcement, performing regular safety walkthroughs and improving coordination of safety measures.

Goal three is to improve student achievement. Enich noted he is required to have at least one goal focused on student achievement tasks, with ideas set to include increased support for existing programs, establishing educational opportunity periods for the high schools, tutoring programs and addressing any grade level transition issues.

The fourth goal is listed as coordinating and finishing all large construction projects at Oak Glen and Weir high schools, including ongoing work with the baseball and softball fields at the two high schools, as well as the physical education addition at Weir High School.

School Board President Chris Gillette noted board members will need time to look over the proposal before taking a vote.

“We’re going to look at them and review them,” Gillette said, indicating the goals will be discussed at a future school board meeting.

Monday’s meeting also saw the school board go into an executive session for two hours and 26 minutes for a student disciplinary hearing.


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