
No support from Hancock Commission for event

NO MOTION — Hancock County Commissioners made no motion Wednesday concerning a request for permission to the West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration for an event being planned next month. Shown is County Commission President Jeff Davis. -- Craig Howell

NEW CUMBERLAND — Hancock County commissioners opted not to give their blessing to the service of alcohol at an event being planned in the county later this year.

As part of Wednesday’s meeting, commissioners were asked to approve a letter of permission to the West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration regarding a private event to be held in the county.

The event, identified as the White Trash Bash, has been scheduled for Oct. 10-20 at Get Togethers Picnic Grounds along Kings Creek.

However, the letter received no motion from commissioners, following requests for action from Commission President Jeff Davis.

Commissioner Paul Cowey explained the lack of action was the result of complaints received.

“We have had some complaints about noise for past events,” Cowey said.

Commissioner Eron Chek, following the meeting, explained multiple members of the county commission had been approached by area residents with complaints about the amount of noise allegedly originating from the event.

Chek said residents on Culler Road, in Weirton, had claimed to be able to hear activity at a previous year’s event at the picnic grounds.

In other business Wednesday, commissioners:

• Approved the renewal of a contract with Delta Dental, with Chek noting there had been no changes to the contract from prior years.

• Agreed to advertise for an open position on the Oakland Public Service District Board, as well as appointing William “Bill” Wells to fill an unexpired term for a second seat on the board;

• Approved a pledging substitution from Hancock County Savings Bank;

• Approved a series of three internal budget revisions for the fiscal year 2024-2025;

• Reappointed Mark Vignovic to the Hancock County Solid Waste Authority Board, effective Wednesday;

• Accepted a bid to purchase bullet-proof vests for the Hancock County Sheriff’s Department;

• Accepted a 2024 HAVA Security sub-grant involving costs for the election, as well as approving a list of residents to assist with early voting, election day and the canvassing process;

• Approved the hiring of Carolyn Barton as a part-time employee of the Hancock County Animal Shelter, effective Aug. 8;

• Approved the hiring of Melissa Kafton as a full-time 911 dispatcher, effective Sept. 16;

• Approved the payment of accrued vacation and personal hours for Linda DeAngelo.


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