
Seniors get another week to swim at Mingo pool

MINGO JUNCTION — Seniors are getting one more week to swim at the Mingo Junction Pool, officials declared during Tuesday’s village council meeting.

Closed to the general public since Sept. 2, the pool at Aracoma Park was set to fully close for the season next Monday. However, Village Administrator Darrin Corrigan said senior swim will now run through Sept. 22.

Benita Leone, coordinator of the senior swim program, contacted him and requested an extra week for seniors, Corrigan said.

“She messaged me and asked if I could pick the date. She’d be willing to take any date I gave her because it’s supposed to be really warm next week.”

Mayor Judy Ruckman added, “We’re going to extend (the senior swim). We’re going to look at painting the pool first thing in the spring. We’re not going to have time to do it this year.”

Open from 10 a.m. to noon each day, senior swim is open to all seniors, with a $2 admission fee if individuals do not have a pass, according to Corrigan.

Separately, Corrigan noted painting upgrades done on the sewage plant’s exterior, including rails, concrete and pipes. Kyle Moffat, chief operator of the Mingo Junction Wastewater Department, showed council photos of the new red paint.

“They’re really cleaning up down there,” Corrigan said. “I’ve got to give them a lot of credit, with the amount of manpower they have. It’s really nice to look at.”

In other business:

Council entered five executive sessions, including for contract negotiations, financial negotiations, personnel employment, pending litigation and personnel dismissal. No motions were made afterward.

Corrigan reported that JSW Steel will host a river sweep at the Mingo Junction Marina Sept. 23 at 9 a.m. The company will clean, paint and donate a new sign to the village.

Ruckman said the village will review a “No Parking” sign on George Street that resident Sarah Deitenbeck said is leaving her and others with nowhere to park.

Councilwoman Jodilynn Fitzgerald and Corrigan said there been no issues so far with excessive amounts of cars on Wilson Avenue during school pick-up times. It was noted that an officer is now stationed at the school entrance around 2 p.m.

Councilman Jack Brettell led council and attendees in a moment of silence, commemorating the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

Council members Mark Baker and Pat Cramblett were absent but excused, with Baker having work and Cramblett being ill.


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