
Brooke ambulance station completed

NEW HEADQUARTERS — Among the many participating in a ribbon cutting Monday for Brooke County’s new ambulance station were staff members who will be called from it to assist residents in medical need. -- Warren Scott

WELLSBURG — Brooke County officials, staff with the county’s ambulance service and many guests gathered Monday evening for an open house and ribbon cutting celebrating the opening of the county’s new ambulance station.

Located on Pleasant Avenue near state Route 2 and the north end of Wellsburg, the station replaces smaller headquarters in the Marshall Terrace area off state Route 67 and along Route 2 at the north end of Follansbee.

“We’re extremely proud of this building. This is a big step up from what we had,” A.J. Thomas, president of the Brooke County Commission, told the many in attendance.

Thomas said much saving and planning went into the $2.4 million building, for which ground was broken in June 2023.

He acknowledged architects with the Thrasher Group of Clarksburg, W.Va., and the Waller Corp. of Washington, Pa., general contractor for the project; for their efforts; the county’s volunteer board for its support; and the ambulance service’s personnel for their patience while the work was completed.

Thomas also thanked members of the Wellsburg and Follansbee chambers of commerce for their role in the open house.

Visitors were welcomed to food served in the building’s four-bay garage and were invited to to tour the facility.

Among the guides was County Commissioner Stacey Wise, who showed its four sleeping quarters, each with a single bed and desk; kitchen and lounge, shower and locker rooms for staff, offices for the agency’s directors and a combined conference and training room.

Greg Moore, director of the ambulance service and a paramedic for it for 10 years, said he welcomed the additional space provided by the new location, noting it can accommodate two crews around the clock.

The ambulance service includes 33 full-time and part-time personnel.

“We’re really appreciative of the county commission for pursuing this,” said Moore.

Staff with the ambulance service were invited to participate in a ribbon cutting in front of the building and used medical scissors to make their cuts.

Among the event’s many guests was Linda Dawson, a former paramedic and instructor with the ambulance service.

Dawson recalled in her 17 years with the agency, being based in the basements of the Brooke County Courthouse and Follansbee Fire Department.

She noted when downtown Wellsburg was threatened by flooding, having to move ambulance squads elsewhere and the headquarters in the Follansbee fire station being flooded when the waters of Allegheny Creek spilled into city streets in the 1990s.

Asked her opinion of the new station, Dawson said, “I think it’s great. We’ve needed this for 20 years.”


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