
Lighting added to Nutcrackers

STEUBENVILLE — While a record-breaking 210 nutcrackers will be populating the downtown area for this year’s Steubenville Nutcracker Village, the Steubenville Cultural Trust is excited about the addition of permanent decorative lighting along North Fourth Street.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Steubenville Nutcracker Village, which will be on display from Nov. 26 through Jan. 10.

Steubenville Cultural Trust, a nonprofit organization formed to promote the arts and focused on the economic revitalization of Steubenville’s historic downtown, credited WesBanco, “the official bank of the Nutcracker Village 2024, for their generous donation” making the lights possible.”

“This will be the first time that the Nutcracker Village will be lit from overhead, adding to the ambiance of our small-town charm which is especially joyous during the Christmas season,” members said in announcing the update. “A representative of the bank will be on hand Nov. 26 to ‘flip the switch’ as the trust unveils 10 new nutcrackers for the 10th anniversary of the Nutcracker Village.”

The Nov. 26 kickoff event will feature a concert with the Ron Retzer Trio and the lighting of 25 decorated Christmas trees that will be placed throughout the village. The trees will be decorated by local nonprofits and clubs as a fundraising opportunity sponsored by Tri-State Financial Services. Street vendors and downtown shops will be open for dining and holiday shopping. The 10th anniversary kick-off is a rain-or-shine event, they said.

The trust voiced appreciation to the city of Steubenville for its support of Nutcracker Village as well as for providing funds to cover the additional lighting expenses along North Fourth Street and the green space, and AEP for its “cooperation and support” with this project.

“And, as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of our nutcracker display, we want to thank the Nelson family and their businesses known as Nelson’s of Steubenville who have been with us since the beginning,” the release stated.

Once again, the official media sponsor will be WTRF-TV.

Last year, the Steubenville Nutcracker Village welcomed an estimated 50,000 visitors from across the country.

For up-to-date event schedules, visit SteubenvilleNutcrackerVillage.com.


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