
Wheeling Christmas Parade to dodge streetscape again in 2024

WHEELING — Santa Claus will make his way through Wheeling via the Centre Market route again when the Main Street Bank Fantasy in Lights Parade rings in the holidays this year.

The parade is set for 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Nov. 22.

As it did last year, the parade will line up in Centre Market and start at 24th and Market streets. It will proceed down 24th Street to Main Street, then move north past the location of parade title sponsor Main Street Bank.

After passing the bank, the parade will turn right onto 20th Street and disband.

“Because of the uncertainty with the Streetscape Project, we will keep the route exactly the same as last year,” explained Kurt Zende, president of the Wheeling Area Chamber of Commerce, which organizes the parade. “It was presented well, and once the crowd got accustomed, it went really well. All the sponsors were pleased, and the participants and audience pleased.

“And keeping the route the same alleviates the concerns of the police department.”

The parade traditionally has taken a route beginning on Market Street near West Virginia Northern Community College. It proceeded north before making a left turn onto 10th Street, then down to Main Street and heading south.

The route was changed in recent years as Wheeling’s streetscape construction took place in that area. Zende explained that while the project appears to be winding down now, it wasn’t clear yet whether the parade would be able to happen on those streets this year.

“We would like to go back to the original before the streetscape — Market Street to 10th Street and down Main Street,” he said. “That shows the best. But until the streetscape is completed, there is no certainty.

“We’ll see how this season works out, then decide what to do next year.”

Applications for organizations wanting to participate in the parade can be accessed on the chamber’s website, wheelingchamber.com.

Zende expects 100 entries to be accepted.

“And every year we always have something new — a little tweak — that can move the parade forward,” he said. “Pray for good weather.”


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