
Indictments handed down in Jefferson County

STEUBENVILLE — A new mother was ordered to stand trial Wednesday on charges she brutally beat her month-old-baby in her Sherman Avenue home in January, one of eight people indicted by the March term of the Jefferson County grand jury.

Also indicted was a Wintersville man who allegedly fired a gun into a South End home where his 15-year-old girlfriend was days after breaking up with him, along with a man who allegedly attacked a family member who was walking on North Seventh Street, four people facing felony drug charges, one man accused of domestic violence and another facing his third domestic violence charge.

Shayla Ann Oxley, 21, 967 Sherman Ave., was indicted on two felony counts of endangering a child plus misdemeanor domestic violence.

Authorities believe Oxley struck her newborn on Jan. 24, causing the infant to spend five days in UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. The child had been beaten, “had bruising on his face” and a brain bleed when he arrived at the hospital, they said.

Doctors at Children’s Hospital concluded the baby had “extensive bruising on a large area of his face, extending to his hairline, at least two areas of acute cortical hemorrhaging on his head consistent with direct trauma to the head” and recommended the child not be returned to the home environment.

• Indicted on a charge of discharging a firearm at or into a habitation, a felony, plus a firearm specification was Akerelhotep Ronnie Hartley, 524 Canton Road, Wintersville.

Hartley, 21, allegedly fired a shot through a second-story window on Sept. 1. No one was injured, but his ex told police she was “in the room” when the bullets pierced the window glass. Authorities allege Hartley posted threats of violence to the woman on social media prior to the incident, authorities claim.

• James Darnell Mayo, 52, 720 N. Seventh St., Apt. B7, Steubenville, felonious assault Jan. 5 in downtown Steubenville.

Mayo allegedly saw the victim walking out of the Coen Market in the North End and approached him, repeatedly coming at the victim and knocking him to the ground. Authorities say the impact broke the victim’s left wrist and he was standing over top of him so with his other hand he pulled out a pocketknife to protect himself and slashed Mayo. Authorities say the victim had filed multiple reports alleging Mayo repeatedly showed up unannounced at his residence in the early morning hours and was threatening him.

• Della Denise Thompson, 48, and Michael Lewis Pannell, 30, 209 1/2 Grandview Ave., Tiltonsville, were indicted separately on a charge of possession of cocaine, a felony, filed on Jan. 29 Authorities also want the couple to forfeit $2,518 in cash believed to be proceeds of the alleged drug activities and a gun.

Authorities allege Pannell was “still in front of a stove, cooking crack” when officers with the Jefferson County Drug Task Force arrived at the couple’s Tiltonsville residence, then ran up the staircase to the second floor “leaving a trail of cocaine behind.”

The task force allegedly seized over 68 grams of cocaine and around 15 grams of fentanyl from the home.

Pannell faces an additional charge having weapons under disability, a felony, also with a specification for forfeiture. He is prohibited from having or using guns due to a 2019 conviction in Jefferson County Common Pleas Court for having weapons under disability.

• Andre Hython, 60, 411 Henry Ave., Steubenville, possession of cocaine and possession of a fentanyl-related compound, with a major drug offender specification. The indictment also asks for forfeiture of $2,265 and $850 in gift cards believed to be proceeds of alleged illegal drug activity.

Drug task force detectives allegedly found 270 grams of cocaine and 22 grams of fentanyl in Hython’s home Feb. 10.

• John Joseph Taylor, 43, 817 Rinker Road, Wintersville, felony domestic violence. Taylor allegedly assaulted a family member on Jan. 28. He had two prior convictions for domestic violence — in November 2008 and March 2010, both in Steubenville Municipal Court–which automatically elevates the current charge to a felony.

*Terence L. Toson, 423 N. Seventh St., Steubenville, trafficking cocaine, a felony. Toson, 54, allegedly sold or attempted to sell a cocaine compound to a confidential informant on June 12.


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