Local Briefs
Special council meeting today
WINTERSVILLE — Wintersville Council will hold a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. today at the Village Building to consider a consultant for the village’s water billing software.
JVS board to meet
BLOOMINGDALE — The Jefferson County Joint Vocational School board of education will hold its regular meeting at 5 p.m. March 18 in the boardroom of the Jefferson County JVS.
Special council meeting called
FOLLANSBEE — Follansbee Council will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. March 24 at the City Building to consider the 2025-26 budget, requests for temporary use of the Follansbee Park and Jo-Jon’s property, a raise for city staff who obtain a commercial driver’s license, a discount for extended rentals of the Community House for private events and flowers for Main Street.
Prevention, recovery board to meet
STEUBENVILLE — The board of the Jefferson County Prevention and Recovery Board will meet at 5:30 p.m. Monday.
The meeting will be held at the board office, 524 Madison Ave.
Weirton Police investigating car break-ins
WEIRTON — The Weirton Police Department is investigating an increase in the number of vehicles broken into in recent weeks.
According to information provided by Weirton Police Chief Charlie Kush, the department has received complaints of property being stolen out of vehicles in the downtown and Marland Heights areas of the city.
“We are actively investigating these break-ins, but would also like to remind citizens to make sure their vehicles are locked and to not keep valuables in their cars,” Kush said.
Anyone with information on these break-ins and thefts is being asked to contact the Weirton Police Department at (304) 797-8500.