
Local Briefs

Route 152 closure set

SMITHFIELD — A portion of state Route 152 will be closed for culvert replacement from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. beginning Monday, the Ohio Department of Transportation has announced.

The affected area will be one mile south of Smithfield, between county Roads 11 and 8.

The detour is is state Route 7 north to state Route 151 west and back to state Route 152, and reverse.

The completion date is April 4.

ICHS to host hellbender meeting

WINTERSVILLE — Indian Creek High School’s Natural Resource program, in collaboration with the Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District, will hold its 2025 Spring Hellbender Partnership Meeting this Thursday.

The session is set for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the school and includes representatives from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Wilds Safari Park, Ohio University, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Columbus Zoo, Toledo Zoo, Purdue University, Penta Career Center and other conservation stakeholders. The organizations formed a partnership to protect the Eastern Hellbender salamander, which then led to a pilot program at the high school where students in the Natural Resources pathway observe and maintain one adult and 18 two-year-old Hellbender salamanders in the hopes of bringing the species back from the brink of extinction.

“We are thrilled to continue this critical work alongside our dedicated partners. We have been a part of the partnership for a couple years now and the partnership meets every fall and spring,” said natural resources instructor Crystal Fluharty, adding that the previous session was conducted at the Wilds. “This is our opportunity to learn.”

Indian Creek Superintendent T.C. Chappelear said the session was a great way to showcase the program and the district’s students.


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