
Steubenville shooting suspect arraigned

STEUBENVILLE — A city resident was taken into custody on charges stemming from a shots fired incident on Oakmont Avenue Wednesday about a block from Veterans Park.

Derrick Brown, 35, 644 Oakmont Ave., was arraigned Friday in Steubenville Municipal Court on charges of felonious assault and weapons under disability. Bond was set at $300,000.

Chief Ken Anderson said shots were fired around 3 p.m. Wednesday “when there were innocent people outside walking and driving around.”

“It’s a miracle no one was hurt or killed,” he said. “Thanks to some concerned citizens, our city camera network and the quick work of our dispatcher, patrol officers and our detectives, the involved vehicles were quickly identified.”

Detectives said it appeared to be “an isolated thing as far as we could tell between two people who just happened to be in the middle of the street.”

Anderson said detectives “conducted a thorough investigation which led to the suspect’s arrest less than 48 hours after the incident.”

“I would like to thank those citizens who took the time to get involved and help us,” he added. “There is no place for these types of crimes on our streets and in our neighborhoods.”


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