
Wellsburg Council discusses insurance incentive, tires

INSURANCE, TIRES DISCUSSED — A financial incentive for city staff to secure health coverage on their own and the occurrence of large piles of tires on various properties were discussed Tuesday by Wellsburg Council members. -- Warren Scott

WELLSBURG — At its monthly committee meetings Tuesday, Wellsburg Council discussed a financial incentive for city employees tied to their insurance coverage and the occurrence of large piles of tires on various private properties.

Third Ward Councilman Randy Fletcher noted for more than 20 years, the city has offered a financial incentive for staff to decline coverage through the city and asked if council wished to continue that.

The practice was begun under former Mayor Sue Simonetti to encourage city employees to receive coverage through their spouses’ policies when applicable and if they chose.

Offered for less than the cost to cover each employee, the incentive was seen as a way to cut insurance costs for the city.

But Fletcher said it’s resulted in the city’s smaller pool of about 20 employees bearing higher costs for coverage as it has risen through the years.

Fourth Ward Councilman Charlie Harris said he’s opposed to the policy but noted a similar arrangement was stipulated when council approved a raise for the city’s police chief.

In February, council agreed to raise the yearly salary from $30,000 to $42,000 or to $47,000 if he doesn’t accept insurance from the city.

Pending formal approval through an ordinance, the measure is slated to go into effect on July 1, the start of the next term for the chief.

Mike Allman is unopposed in his bid for re-election to that office.

While Harris has been a vocal advocate for the police chief’s raise, he questioned whether such an incentive is available from most employers.

Third Ward Councilman Tom Gaudio said it’s not uncommon as he’s aware of family members in the public and private sectors who have been offered one.

Fletcher said he’s not opposed to it.

“I just want to know if we want to keep doing it,” he said.

City Manager Steve Maguschak said he would look into how many employees would be affected if it were changed.

Fletcher also raised concerns about multiple lots and yards where discarded tires have been piled.

He said such sites are “a haven for rats, mosquitoes and everything.”

Fletcher suggested a fine be set for those responsible.

Harris questioned whether the accumulation of multiple tires isn’t addressed already by city health codes.

Others questioned whether they are prohibited under state law, and Allman agreed to investigate that.

Under West Virginia law, the collection of more than 100 waste tires without a permit or license from the state Division of Environmental Protection is illegal.

State law also prohibits the burning, burying or abandoning of such tires on public or private property.

Through its Rehabilitation Environmental Action Plan program, the state Division of Environmental Protection periodically collects up to 10 tires per person from West Virginia residents who are not a business.

Residents should call the Brooke County Solid Waste Authority at (304) 527-3947 for information.

Council’s next regular meeting will be at 7 p.m. April 8 at City Hall.


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