
River Fest a great way to welcome fall

Fall officially arrived Sunday morning, and with it comes the expectation of cooler temperatures, a change of color in the trees and a variety of celebrations focused on the traditional harvest.

A good way to welcome the season is by attending one of our local autumnal community events.

New Cumberland’s Fall River Fest is set to take place Saturday and Sunday with a variety of vendors, entertainment and other activities for all ages.

The festival will kick off at 9 a.m. Saturday with the River Fest 5K Walk and Run, with a course taking runners through town. It will be followed by the opening ceremony at 11 a.m., with a welcome from Mayor Will White and a performance by the Oak Glen High School band.

Vendors of all types will be set up along River Avenue, with two days full of live musical entertainment sure to appeal to all residents.

The River Fest Art Show and the River Fest Car Show will return along with many long-time elements.

Sunday will see the return of the Little Miss New Cumberland pageant, which will feature local youth vying for the titles of fair royalty.

Fireworks are planned for Saturday evening.

The festival helps to serve as a fundraiser for local organizations. The 5K, for example, raises money for Oak Glen athletics.

A big thanks to the members of the festival committee for their hard work each year in putting this event together.

Our area has many wonderful opportunities for residents to come together as a community, and this is just such an occasion.

The River Fest is always a great time, providing New Cumberland and surrounding towns a chance to get outside, sample food and crafts from local businesses, churches and social organizations, listen to some music and just enjoy some time together.

We encourage area residents to take some time this weekend to check out this great event.


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