
A chance to learn about the county

Among the most common complaints that are lobbed at elected officials at every level is a perceived lack of availability.

That’s not the case with those who hold those positions in this area — the men and women who are willing to serve also are willing to provide their constituents with answers — and if they can’t do that on the spot, they will find the information and provide an explanation.

Residents of Jefferson County will get to experience that for themselves Tuesday, when the second State of the County forum is held.

Scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. in the auditorium at Indian Creek High School, the event will offer a broad overview of what’s been happening across the county — and a glimpse at what is expected to happen during the next couple of years.

For Commissioner Eric Timmons, the forum is important because it allows residents to hear from county officials. And, as Commissioner Tony Morelli adds, it will give residents a chance to put a name with a face and hear from a variety of public officials — among those expected to join the county commissioners and participate are the county clerk of courts, auditor and recorder, as well as Beth Rupert-Warren, who will discuss the Jefferson County Resource Network, which helps area residents find the services they need.

Those who attend also will have the chance to meet Jake Kleineke, who was elected as a commissioner in November and began serving in the role in January. And, Indian Creek Superintendent T.C. Chappelear will offer an overview about the improvements being made throughout the district — things that benefit students and the community.

There are plenty of positive things happening across the county — those include planned expansion at the Jefferson County Industrial Park, growth at the Jefferson County Airpark and continuing improvements at the Tower building in downtown Steubenville.

Whatever the topic, area residents will be able to hear directly from the people who know the workings of the county best — and not from second- or third-hand sources or social media, which tends to focus on negatives, Timmons added.

Tuesday’s forum will be the second in a series that began last year, with a well-attended event in the auditorium at Steubenville High School. Plans call for future events to be rotated among the high schools in the county.

Good things are happening in Jefferson County. That’s why it’s important for area residents to attend Tuesday’s event, meet their county officials and learn about the region for themselves.


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