
Panthers, Huskies kick off VALES Week with their annual luncheon

BATTLE FOR THE TROPHY — Buckeye Local and Harrison Central will battle Friday night in the 14th annual V.A.L.E.S. high school football rivalry game. Monday, the two head coaches, members of the respective staffs and each team’s senior players gathered in the Adena American Legion for the annual press conference. The coaches eyed the the championship trophy. They are Buckeye Local’s Chris Kiedaisch, left, and Harrison Central’s Anthony Hayes. The game will be played at Wagner Field in Cadiz. - Kim North

ADENA — V.A.L.E.S. Veterans. Athletes. Legionnaires. Education. Sportsmanship.

All were on display Monday inside the American Legion Post for the kick off of a big week of high school football rivalries, including Buckeye Local and Harrison Central battling for the beautiful six-foot trophy.

The trophy was at the center of attention during Monday’s press luncheon as both head coaches, members of their respective staffs and senior players from each squad packed in the tiny room.

“This is definitely the first thing that intrigued me after I got the job,” first-year Buckeye Local head coach Chris Kiedaisch said. “Having a rivalry game. Playing and coaching at Linsly, we didn’t have the playoffs, but we did have the Wheeling Central game. But, just the idea of having something to play for at the end of the year like this for both of us who aren’t having the success we thought we would means something.

“This is the most important game of the season every year,” he added. “It’s something that our kids don’t take lightly. We have the same goal at the end of every season, beat Harrison Central and bring that trophy home. We build for a game like this from (preseason) camp.”

Harrison Central head coach Anthony Hayes echoed those thoughts.

“This means everything to us. This is the epitome of a rivalry game. Our two communities butt right against each other,” Hayes said. “It’s the high school version of the ‘Backyard Brawl.’ The kids get excited for this game every year. The communities get excited for this game every year.

“You can tell how much they love the game because on that Friday night, no matter what the records are, the place will be jam-packed,” Hayes added. “Both fans are spirited … it’s everything you’d want in a rivalry game.”

Something has to give on the artificial surface inside Wagner Field in Cadiz on Friday as Panthers (2-7) carry a three-game losing streak into the game while the Huskies (1-8) haven’t won since the season-opener at Claymont. Buckeye Local owns victories over Shadyside and Shenandoah. Harrison Central has been decimated by injuries.

A scholarship is presented to a senior player from each school, based on an essay they submit. The scholarship started at $250 and grew to $750. However, it has grown to $1,000 this year. The committee never solicits money from outsiders, only taking donations from veterans.


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