
Weir gets key win

WINTERSVILLE — The Weir High volleyball team went on the road and topped Indian Creek Monday in four sets, 25-19. 15-15, 16-25, 25-21.

The win was an important one for the Red Riders, now 11-7, as they entered the week one spot below the OVAC tournament cut line in Class 4A.

The cut off for next week’s tournament is Thursday.

For the Red Riders, Amalia Kirlingitis had 16 assists, 10 digs and an ace, Marissa Mascio tallied 14 digs, seven kills and three aces, Brayley Lash recorded 10 kills, nine digs, two aces and three blocks, Maleea Faulks had 10 kills, 10 digs and two aces and Janai Turner finished with 30 digs and four aces.


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