
Area youth leaders invited to network and collaborate

GUEST SPEAKER — Rebekah Cohen Morris, executive director of the Aim Women’s Center in Steubenville, will serve as the guest speaker during an upcoming networking and collaboration meeting of area youth leaders. Hosted by the Ohio Valley Youth Network, the event will be held Feb. 27 at the Sycamore Youth Center, located at 301 N. Fourth St. -- Contributed

STEUBENVILLE — Are you somebody who works with the area’s youth?

Do you head a local organization or nonprofit agency affiliated with children?

Are you in charge of overseeing students or pupils within a church or school setting?

Do you volunteer to lead a group of young people in a community program or social environment?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then set a reminder on your phone or circle the date on your calendar, to meet with others like yourself and help in strengthening this community.

A networking and collaboration meeting for those who work with children throughout the Ohio Valley will be held at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 27 at the Sycamore Youth Center, located at 301 N. Fourth St. in Steubenville.

The event is being hosted by the Ohio Valley Youth Network.

The purpose of this assemblage will be to “connect like-minded leaders, exchange ideas and learn about impactful programs” that serve the area’s young people, according to Bobbyjon Bauman, founder of the youth network and executive director of the Sycamore center.

The meeting will feature a roundtable discussion in which attendees will be given a chance to introduce their organizations, share in their upcoming events and explore the possibility of potential collaborations, Bauman explained.

“The Ohio Valley Youth Network has been around for a decade,” Bauman said.

“It has been wonderful to see all that has happened through this organization as a result of collaboration, including the Sycamore Youth Center and the Valley’s Got Talent competition,” he continued.

“Whether you’re a pastor, mentor, educator, coach, nonprofit leader or simply passionate about youth ministry, this is an excellent opportunity to build relationships, discover resources and strengthen the network of support for youth in our community,” he added.

“It is always a blessing to connect with other area leaders who work with you — not only to collaborate with them — but to have a time of fellowship as well,” Bauman said.

In addition, the evening’s keynote presentation will be given by Rebekah Cohen Morris, executive director of the Aim Women’s Center.

“Under her leadership, the organization has continued to grow,” Bauman stated.

Cohen Morris plans to share with meeting participants an update pertaining to the life-changing programs that are being offered through the center, including a Mom’s Cafe.

The cafe serves as a support group for mothers, meeting weekly at the Sycamore center.

She also will speak about the nonprofits’ launch of a home in Steubenville that will serve as a safe haven for pregnant women in need.

She has worked to expand Aim’s services — services that better-support women facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Several resources are offered to these expectant mothers through the center, including free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds.

There are parenting education and mentorship programs as well, which help to empower the expectant mothers to choose life and create a strong foundation for their families.

Cohen Morris, who stepped into her role in 2023 after relocating from Atlanta with her family, has a background in nonprofit leadership, community outreach, city government and education.

No RSVP is necessary to attend the networking session, Bauman said, adding, “Just come ready to connect and be inspired.” For information, contact Bauman at (740) 409-2986.


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